Archive for the ‘ Souhonbu News ’ Category

  • To all branch chiefs of NIKO

    To All Branch Chiefs of NIKO We appreciate your support and encouragement during this past year. The nex…
  • Report of Summer Camp 2017

    Please read this report (by Bernhard Mikael Hansen). Sabaki Camp 2017 english final version …
  • 2017 Denmark Summer Camp Phots. We are great Family!!!

  • 2017 Open Champioship of Eurasia

    This year in 2017 in Kazakhstan the city of Astana, we hold the Open Championship of Eurasia. We are waitin…
  • Summer camp in Denmark 2017

    NIKO will held summer camp in Denmark. See you in Summ…
  • SABAKI CAMP 2015 held in Denmark.

    This year again Kancho Ashihara visited Denmark for the international Summer camp. The camp was held at the Bo…
  • Hidenori Ashihara Kancho inauguration 20 Year Anniversary Party 2015.4.12

    Hidenori Ashihara Kancho inauguration 20 Year Anniversary Party 2015.4.12 Beginning from the greeting o…
  • Branch chief meeting of Japan 2015.4.12

    Ashihara Karate Branch chief meeting of Japan was held on 2015.4.12. …
  • SABAKI CAMP 2015 held in Denmark

    Dear Branche Chiefs´please recive information abot this years Summer camp in Denmark. Kancho will be at the c…
  • Result of the 4th Ashihara World Champion Ship 2014 in Hungary

    AI_KataCsapatEredmenyek AI_KataEredmeny AI_KumiteCsapatEredmenyek AI_KuniteEgyeniEredmenyek AI_Osszesitet…
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