Archive for the ‘ Souhonbu News ’ Category

  • news of a death

    Dear Leaders and members of Ashihara Family. It is with great sadness in my heart, that I received informat…
  • NIKO Schedule 2021 to 2023

    To: All NIKO Branch Chiefs Thank you very much to all of you who responded to our online survey. On July …
  • 2019 Summer Camp in Romania

    Osu, We held summer camp at 12th-13th.July.2019 It was very nice camp. The detail is attached file. Please …
  • 2019 Summer Camp in Denmark

    Osu, We held summer camp at 4th-7th.July.2019 It was very nice camp. The detail is attached file. Please ch…
  • Result of World Championship in Kazakhstan 2018

    Osu I report the result of WC in Kazakhstan on here. Please check thier. Osu …
  • 2019 Summer camp in Denmark

    Dear Branch chief´s we are now ready to invite you to the 2019 Sabaki Camp in Denmark pleas follow the instr…
  • About the Referee Licensing Test

    All NIKO Branch Chiefs, This is friendly reminder for the Referee Licensing Test, scheduled between August …
  • 2018 Sabaki Camp in Denmark

    On the 5th to the 8th of July, the Danish Ashihara family gathered at Bosei Idrætshøjskole near Præstø for the…
  • Announcement of Referee test for 2018 WC

    All NIKO Branch Chiefs In order to support the 2018 World Championship in Kazakhstan, we need licensed refe…
  • Invitation of The 6th Ashihara Sabaki World Championship in Kazakhstan

    To All branch chiefs and Members of NIKO I hope this letter finds you best off health and your branches are…
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