SABAKI CAMP 2013 held in Denmark.

SABAKI CAMP 2013 held in Denmark.(PDF)

Dear Branch chief´s

I hope to find you all the best off health.

I am very proud on behalf of Danish Ashihara Organization and NIKO to invite you to participate in this years SABAKI CAMP 2013 held in Denmark.

This year Kancho will be present at the camp.

Please read the attached files and follow the instructions for signing up and payment.

If you have questions or need Visa help. please send it to the contact e-mail addresses listed for the camp. I can not give you specific answers since the final planning is not in my hands.

Regarding belt test.

Kancho will conduct the belt test for all members trying for 2 kyu and up.

The price for the test will be 70 euro, this amount has to be paid when signing in for test at the camp. Bring exact amount please. If you pas the test your Branch Chief or you must order and pay for an eventual black belt after the test . Mr. Saiki will send the document and belt to you.

The following program will be the minimum witch has to be shown at the test.

Basic program: ( Punches , blocks, kicks )

Ido kihon: Variations of punches and kicks.

Katas: Katas must also be performed Bunkai.


Test summer camp 2013

Current rank.


3 – Kyu

KATA to be performed

Kumite # 3

Jissen # 1

1-2 Kyu


Nage #4

Kumite #4

Jissen # 1



Kumite #5

Nage # 4

Jissen #2

(Nage should be closely checked)

Ni dan


Kumite #5



(Nage should be closely checked)


Sabaki: Defense against a not noun number of attacks. ( plus 40 years old half amount of attackers )

Fighting: 10 fights each 1 minute against different opponents. ( Plus 40 years old , 5 fights )

Of course Kancho may have specific things that he wants to check further, Just follow the instructions for that (^^)

The final program for the camp will be send out when we know how many will attend.

Please send me subjects for the Branch Chief meetings that will take place during the camp. so that I can make a agenda.

I already know that we have to look at the final fighting and kata rules, witch have been changed according to your wishes, And the Judge/referee committee.

I hope to see many of you at the camp.



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